Sharing to LinkedIn

You can easily share content from Haiilo to LinkedIn by selecting the LinkedIn icon under a post. You can share Link, Article, Image, and Video posts on LinkedIn. You can select up to 5 images to share on LinkedIn for Image posts.

Before sharing, you can write a sharing message, which will appear above the post on LinkedIn. After inputting your sharing message, you choose to Schedule, Smart share, or Share now.

rss feed imported post, user view

Share Link posts

When you share a link post on LinkedIn, you have the option to share it as a traditional link post or as an image post with the link attached to the sharing message. This gives you the flexibility to customize how your post appears on LinkedIn. 

options for sharing link post.png

After sharing, the post can look like this, depending on your selected option:

link post shared as link post.png link post shared as image post.png

Link post shared as Link post

Link posts include a smaller image with the article linked next to it, which allows the focus to be on the website or article that you're linking to. This might increase viewers' interest in clicking through and exploring the linked content.

That being said, Link posts typically receive fewer impressions on LinkedIn compared to image posts. However, it's important to note that this is not an absolute rule and may vary in different scenarios.

Link post shared as Image post

Posts with images include a larger image with the link in the sharing message, which helps your post stand out. This might increase the visibility of your post, leading to more engagement (reactions).

The type of share you choose will not impact any analytics. Haiilo gathers analytics on Link post clicks regardless of whether the link is in the post itself or in the sharing message. Furthermore, data on reactions and comments will be collected as usual.

Tag a company page in a sharing message

In your sharing message for LinkedIn, you can also mention or tag a LinkedIn page.

  1. Input @ in your sharing message where you want the mention to appear.
  2. Start typing the LinkedIn page's name. Page icons and names corresponding to your input will appear in a search results box.
  3. Select the correct page from the list. The page's name will appear as hyperlinked in your sharing message.

When you share your post, the mentioned page will be included in the sharing message, and the page admins will receive a notification about the mention.

You can only mention LinkedIn pages in a sharing message, not individual LinkedIn users.

company tagging.png

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