Sharing to Facebook

You can easily share Link and Article posts from Haiilo to Facebook by selecting the Facebook icon under a post on the web version. Image or Video posts can only be shared to Facebook from the Haiilo Share mobile app. You must also allow access to Photos for both the Haiilo Share app and the Facebook app in your phone's settings.

It is not possible to share Images or Video posts to Facebook from the web version of Haiilo. Image or Video posts can only be shared to Facebook from the Haiilo Share mobile app.

Share to Facebook

  1. When you select the sharing icon for Facebook, it will open a sharing window that will show you the post you're about to share.
  2. Select Continue to Facebook
  3. This will open the share on Facebook where you can add a sharing message, tag friends, check in somewhere, etc. before publishing it on your feed
  4. Select Share to publish your post

Facebook is introducing a new post-creation process for sharing content on its platform, including Haiilo shares. It's worth noting that there may be variations between the new and old post-creation processes. For example, sharing content on pages is no longer possible with the new process. These changes are determined by Facebook alone, and Haiilo has no control over them.

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