Editing or deleting a content collaboration

Company Admins can edit or delete any content collaborations, while Content Owners can only delete their collaborations.

Edit a content collaboration

Only Company Admins can edit a content collaboration.

  1. Go to Administration > Settings > Post on behalf.
  2. Find the content collaboration in the list.
  3. Select the three dots at the end of the collaboration row.
  4. Select Edit.
  5. You can add more content writers, remove individual content writers, or edit their post on behalf permissions.
  6. Select Save to save your changes.

Adding new Content Writers to an existing collaboration creates a new collaboration. This means that previously approved Content Writers cannot create or share content for the Content Owner until the new collaboration is approved.

Delete a content collaboration

For Company Admins

  1. Go to Administration > Settings > Post on behalf.
  2. Find the content collaboration in the list.
  3. Select the three dots at the end of the collaboration row.
  4. Selec Delete.

If you only want to delete a certain Content Writer in a collaboration, edit the collaboration instead.

For Content Owners

  1. Go to the user profile drop-down menu > Settings > Post on behalf
  2. Select the three dots at the end of the collaboration row
  3. Select Delete

If you only want to delete a certain Content Writer in a collaboration, ask a Company Admin to edit the collaboration.

delete content collaboration by CO.png


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