Setting up AVA with OpenAI, Azure OpenAI or Google Vertex AI

You can use OpenAI or Microsoft Azure OpenAI as a provider for Haiilo's AI feature AVA (Artificial Virtual Assistant). To do this, you need to set up a contract and license with the selected provider. Then, obtain your license information from your provider account to set up AVA on Haiilo.

You need to be a Company Admin to configure the settings for Haiilo AVA. After you've set up Haiilo AVA, you can generate sharing messages. Learn more in Using AVA to generate sharing messages.

Alternatively, you can use Haiilo's ready-to-go AI provider for AVA. Learn more in Setting up AVA with Haiilo AI.

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Set up Haiilo AVA with OpenAI

  1. Go to AdministrationSettings > AI Assistant
  2. Check Activate AVA
  3. Select OpenAI as your provider. You can only use one provider for Haiilo AVA.
  4. Select your model: GPT-3.5-turbo or GPT-4
  5. Input the API key obtained from your OpenAI account
  6. Choose an option:
    • Activate for admin users: Only Company Admins, Group Admins, or Channel Managers can use AVA.
    • Activate for all users: All users can use AVA.
  7. Optionally, you can activate AVA only for certain groups by checking Activate for specific groups and then selecting the groups in the list. Only users belonging to those groups can use AVA.
  8. Select Save

Set up Haiilo AVA with MS Azure OpenAI

  1. Go to AdministrationSettings > AI Assistant
  2. Check Activate AVA
  3. Select Azure OpenAI as your provider. You can only use one provider for Haiilo AVA.
  4. Input your Endpoint, Deployment name, and API key from your Azure OpenAI account
  5. Choose an option:
    • Activate for admin users: Only Company Admins, Group Admins, or Channel Managers can use AVA.
    • Activate for all users: All users can use AVA.
  6. Optionally, you can activate AVA only for certain groups by checking Activate for specific groups and then selecting the groups in the list. Only users belonging to those groups can use AVA.
  7. Select Save

Set up Haiilo AVA with Google Vertex AI

You need to create a service account with the "Vertex AI Service Agent" role in the Google Cloud Console to obtain the necessary information for setting up AVA.

  1. Go to AdministrationSettings > AI Assistant
  2. Check Activate AVA
  3. Select Vertex as your provider. You can only use one provider for Haiilo AVA.
  4. Select your region or service location: europe-west3 or us-central1
  5. Upload your API key file (JSON) obtained from your Google Vertex account
  6. Choose an option:
    • Activate for admin users: Only Company Admins, Group Admins, or Channel Managers can use AVA.
    • Activate for all users: All users can use AVA.
  7. Optionally, you can activate AVA only for certain groups by checking Activate for specific groups and then selecting the groups in the list. Only users belonging to those groups can use AVA.
  8. Select Save

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