Subscribe to channels on mobile

In the Haiilo Share mobile app, you can modify your channel subscriptions for the post feed. You need to be subscribed to the channel(s) in Haiilo to see the content on your feed. You can choose to subscribe or unsubscribe to various channels based on your interests within the company.

Subscribe to channels

  1. Go to the Postfeed
  2. Select    in the top right corner > Customize my feed
  3. In the list, you can see all the channels that are available for you to subscribe to. Check the box for a channel to subscribe to it. You can unsubscribe from channels by unchecking the box next to a channel. 
  4. Select the back icon to save your new channel subscriptions

The post feed will automatically update to include content from your newly subscribed channels.

If any channels are dimmed out, it signifies that those channels are mandatory for you, and you cannot unsubscribe from them.

customize feed on mobile subscribe to channels mobile

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