It's crucial to generate excitement and interest around your platform and its performance indicators during its launch, but more importantly, to keep your employee advocacy program thriving. Make sure to regularly remind your team or company about Haiilo during meetings and through activation emails, in which you share updates and achievements, highlight the accomplishments of individuals or groups, and celebrate competition winners.
Platform Launch
Make sure you have a clear internal marketing strategy to catch employees' attention and get them interested in the new platform for the launch date and beyond. Without their buy-in, your project is most likely to fail! So start triggering the excitement in advance through various activities - the sky is the limit. Here are some ideas:
- Upcoming events: Use an upcoming event to promote the new tool or the ambassador program as well as its benefits. Upload pictures taken at the event to a dedicated channel or use the positive feelings about the event, write an article, and make it shareable via social.
- Giveaways: Give your users a small external incentive to take their first steps in the new tool and ambassador program. This could be some merch or something simple like a cupcake or ice cream during summer.
- Naming contest: Let your users make suggestions and vote on the name of your future advocacy program. This will give your users the feeling of participation and get them used to co-determining content themselves.
Check out our blog article to learn more about internal marketing and its importance for employee engagement.
Email Digest
As the email digest settings are set on a group level, you can create individual email digests for each group on Haiilo to best suit their group's users by editing the subject line and greeting message.
Optimize the times for sending your email digest to your company's most fitting time. The digest email combines all the latest content from your company's platform and the channels your users subscribe to. The frequency is, by default, determined by your company's settings, but you can edit the frequency with which you receive the email if you do not want to disable it altogether.
Individual Advocacy newsletters
Aside from your user onboarding communication and the email digest, ensure you regularly contact your users to remind them about your advocacy platform and give updates. Depending on your user base, consider drafting templates for each user segment and defining the frequency that best works for you - weekly, monthly or quarterly. You can use the following ideas for creating your newsletter:
- Give the newsletter a prominent name (what you've missed, latest news, advocacy insights etc)
- Highlight the top content shared with its performance (shares, reactions) and company-wide results (such as x% more traffic to the website, x% of more LinkedIn followers, xx number of people reached, xx new hires etc.)
- Point out quality shares on social media - you could also focus on specific users' touch on the shares or what successful sharing messages look like
- Communicate new features of the advocacy platform
- Celebrate teams or individuals from the leaderboard (and maybe even ask them to share their success stories - such as x% more profile visitors, x% more new connections, actual sales or referrals through social media)
- Remind users of seasonal rewards
Use the Post & User Analytics under Administration to determine which posts have had a lot of shares, clicks, and high reach. You can also use the Leaderboard to call out users who are doing well sharing things.
Further tips & tricks
Here are a couple more ideas on how to push the communication around your advocacy program to the next level:
- Add a link to your advocacy platform or even embed an iFrame using the add-on iFrame widget to your intranet to boost awareness.
- Use the platform to create internal posts about different topics (new features, top users of the month, top posts, etc.) alongside the Notify users immediately feature, maybe even in a dedicated "Haiilo" channel.
- Consider celebrating “Ambassadors of the Month” - these could be featured in your monthly newsletter or communicated via an internal post on your platform.
- Instead of using push communication elements only, consider adding responsive elements to your emails, such as mini-surveys asking for feedback about the content and taking action based on this feedback. Especially post-launch feedback is essential to ensure your platform's future success.
- Creating a user engagement schedule for the admins can also help ensure your platform's success.
- As your user base probably also has a less active part, make sure to regularly check in with this segment, addressing them in a more personal manner - they might need some more attention.
- Remember to continuously perform re-engagement efforts for inactive users.