You can easily utilize your company's communication or marketing content or third-party content from various platforms, such as social media, Sharepoint, or RSS feeds, by importing it to Haiilo. You can create Link posts directly on Haiilo by importing content from these feeds.
An imported post automatically gets the image, title, and post body from the connected feed. The post's other aspects, such as sharing messages and optional settings, must be configured on the Haiilo platform.
All content import settings are under Administration > Settings > Importing Content. You can automatically import content from LinkedIn, X, Facebook, valid RSS feeds, and Sharepoint.
How users and admins see imported content
For users
When content is fetched from a social network page or feed, users will see the corresponding social network icon or a standard red icon with your platform's name for RSS feeds as the post creator. This will allow users to quickly identify where the content was initially published. Users can share the post as any other Link post.
This is a post created from an RSS feed as the standard red icon with the platform's name is displayed for users:
This is a post created from a LinkedIn page and is displayed like this for admins and users:
For admins
Admins will see the social network icon or, for RSS feeds, the URL as the post creator. This will allow admins to quickly identify from which connected feed the content was fetched. Admins can configure the post, e.g., add sharing messages, feature the post, etc., as any other Link post.
This is a post created from an RSS feed as the feed URL is displayed for admins:
Add a feed
- Go to Settings > Importing Content
- Select Connect page/feed for the social network or RSS feed you want to connect
- Follow the selected network's login process
- Enter the feed URL you want to connect into the corresponding field. Use a "clean" URL when connecting a feed, not one with extra characters at the end.
- In Post to, select the channel(s) that you want the content be published to
- Check Publish automatically if you want the content to be automatically published on your platform's post feed. If you want it to be Proposed first so that an admin has to approve it, leave the box unchecked.
- Select Save to connect your feed
After connecting, new content is fetched after 30 minutes.
Haiilo will solely import the links embedded in your social media posts, not the posts themselves. This implies that if you have created a post on LinkedIn that does not include a link, such as a video or image post, it will not be fetched.
Haiilo only imports posts with a unique link, meaning a link that hasn't been used before. Duplicate links are skipped. If you use the same shortened links in many LinkedIn posts, Haiilo will only fetch the first post, as the others will be treated as duplicates. All links in your LinkedIn posts have to be unique.
Remove a feed
Select the X symbol next to the feed if you want to remove a connected page or feed.
After removing the feed, all the imported content will remain on your platform, but no new content will be fetched.