If connecting your corporate social profiles or RSS feeds is not enough, you'll be happy to hear that Haiilo has a Zapier integration available! Zapier makes pushing new content from 750+ applications a breeze and enables you to build complex content workflows.
Zapier is a 3rd party service which is available in both free and paid plans.
What can I achieve with Zapier and Haiilo?
At the moment, you can use any Zapier integrated app to 'Create a New Post' in Haiilo. A couple of use cases could be:
- A new published blog post on Hubspot is automatically created as a new post in Haiilo, after which a link to the post is shared automatically through Slack so that others can read and share the post.
- Links posted on a specific Slack channel are automatically created as new Proposed Posts for Admins to review.
- An RSS feed is pushed into Haiilo through Zapier, after which the links to the newly created posts are automatically output into a new RSS feed.
The apps you can use to push content to Haiilo depend on the integrations that Zapier offers.
How do I get started?
- Go to the Zapier website and sign up for a free account.
- Once your account is created and you're logged in, accept this invitation to use the Haiilo integration (named Smarp)
- Visit the App Explorer and have a look at which apps are available for integration.
Now you are ready to create your first Zap by following the instructions below.
Building your first integration
Zapier refers to an integration as a Zap. You'll need to create a new Zap for each integration you would like to establish.
- Open the Zap editor by clicking
from your My Zaps page.
- Under 'Create a custom Zap' heading, select 'Open Editor'
- Now you have to select the app you want to use as a 'trigger' for the integration. (The trigger is the app which will provide the initial data to be pushed around in your Zap). In this case, we'll select X.
- Then we have to select the event that triggers our Zap. Since we want to push new posts from our X account to Haiilo, we will select 'My post' as the trigger.
- From every step onwards click 'Continue' to continue to the next step of the configuration.
- Connect to a X account, or choose an existing one from the list if you've already connected it before.
- In the next step, we'll have to test the trigger so Zapier can ensure that it has access to your X account. If successful, Zapier will display an example post with data it can access.
- Next, let's connect your X trigger to Haiilo! Type 'Smarp' (old name still in use) in the search bar and select Smarp (1.0.1) from the list to continue. You can only use Haiilo as an action app if you have accepted the invitation from above.
- In the Event field, select 'Create a Post' and continue.
- Make sure you're actively logged into your Haiilo instance in the same browser that you are setting up your Zap. Click 'Connect a new account' or choose an existing one from the list if you've already connected your account before.
- Zapier will try to search for an active Haiilo connection and when it finds it, a new window will pop up asking for authorization. Click 'Authorize App' to give Zapier access to post to Haiilo as your Haiilo user account. If you aren't logged into Haiilo, the connection will fail until you log in to Haiilo outside of Zapier.
- Now we get to the steps for choosing which data sets from the trigger app Haiilo will use to create the post. The data sets differ between trigger apps and the data sets that are shown are based on the trigger app's integration with Zapier.
- In the 'Content Link' field select the data source that corresponds to the link with which you want the Haiilo post to be created. In our X case, we want to select the source that corresponds to the URL leading to our blog, as our posts are created from these links. Scroll the list and search for the matching field, in this case it is called 'Entities Urls Expanded URL', as can be seen from the example link from our test trigger:
- The other properties 'Post Title', 'Post Body' and 'Post Image' are automatically generated from the 'Content link' URL by Haiilo once the new post is created. However, if you want, you can fill them in manually from the trigger app's data sets as well.
- Next, decide the audience your new Haiilo post. In the 'Shareable' field, Yes means the post is available for 'External sharing' and No means it is only available for 'Internal Reading'. This property will be set to 'Yes' by default, so any new post created by this Zap will be shareable from Haiilo to social media.
- In the next field 'Propose this post', choose whether you want the posts created by this Zap to go directly into the Published feed in Haiilo (choose No) or submit it for Admin approval first in the Proposed feed (choose Yes). We want our posts to be published directly, so we'll select No.
- After that you simply need to choose one or multiple channels in Haiilo to push the content to. Here we have added two channels, Articles and Blog, from our Haiilo domain where we want the posts to be published.
- Now you'll be given a chance to see a preview of your selected actions. Review your settings and how your data will be submitted to Haiilo and then test your action from the 'Test & Review'-button.
- After the test runs, go to Haiilo and see if your post has been brought in and if it looks OK. Here is how our post turned out:
- If you’re happy with how it turned out, you can finish by giving your Zap a name and clicking 'Turn on Zap' to finalize the integration.
All done, now what?
Once the Zap is named and switched on it will trigger a new post to be created in Haiilo every time a new post is published on our X account.
It will do so indefinitely until you decide to turn the integration off or until Zapier loses the connection to your Haiilo or X account. If you log out of your Haiilo account, you will have to go into Zapier to refresh the connection for your Zaps.