Understanding user roles on Haiilo Advocacy

Every person is assigned a role on the platform, and each role has different permissions. Currently, there are five different roles on Haiilo Advocacy. This article explains all roles from the lowest to the highest permission levels.

Learn how to change someone's role in these articles:

User or Sharer

The User or Sharer role is the most common role that your users will have. A sharer is a regular user who can use the platform and its functionalities, including sharing content to their social networks. Depending on your settings, users can also propose new content for your platform.

Users cannot see or adjust any global settings for your platform, only from their own account and notification settings.

Channel Analyst

A Channel Analyst is a user with the added capability of viewing and managing analytics for selected channels. Unlike the Channel Manager, the Analyst cannot edit users or content in their channels; they only see the analytics for those channels. A Channel Analyst can:

  • See Analytics for posts and users who posted on their channels

Channel Manager

A Channel Manager is a user with the added capability of managing selected channels and their content and subscribers. A Channel Manager can:

  • Approve, create, edit, and remove posts for the channels they manage
  • Select existing users on the platform to add them to the channels they manage or remove users from being subscribed to their channels
  • See Analytics for posts posted in their channels and interactions on those posts by users subscribed to their channels

Group Admin

A Group Admin can manage everything for one group, namely the group they are in. Group Admins can manage their group and its users, settings, channels, and analytics.

Group admins can:

  • Approve, create, edit, and remove posts for all the channels in their group, including managing users subscribed to their groups' channels
  • Invite new users to their group
  • Edit and remove users in their group
  • Create, edit, and remove teams in their group and add their users to their teams
  • See Analytics for posts posted in their group and interactions on those posts by users belonging to their group
  • Add resources for their group
  • Create, edit, and remove perks/rewards for their group. However, Group Admins cannot edit rewards settings.
  • Access and edit these settings for their group:

Company Admin

A Company Admin can manage the whole platform, including all users, settings, channels, and analytics. Company admins can:

  • Approve, create, edit, and remove posts for all the channels on the whole platform across all groups
  • Invite new users to any group on the platform
  • Edit and remove users across the whole platform
  • Create, edit, and remove teams and add users to any teams across the platform
  • See Analytics for posts and users who posted in any channel across the platform
  • Add resources to any group on the platform
  • Create, edit, and remove perks/rewards for any group on the platform
  • Access and edit all settings across the platform. This includes all the settings a Group Admin can manage, and all the rest. Examples include:

To ensure effective platform management, we suggest designating Group Admins and Channel Managers to handle more straightforward tasks, allowing Company Admins more time for centralized management. Additionally, for security reasons, it's best to limit the number of Company Admins.

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