Post On Behalf allows you to create or share content in the name of another user. For example, this enables your C-level executives or other users who don't have the time to create or share their own content to allow their assistants permission to create and share on their behalf.
There are a few key terms to understand about Post On Behalf:
- Content Collaboration: The relationship between a Content Owner and their Content Writer(s) is referred to as a content collaboration.
- Content Owner: The user on whose behalf the content is created and shared is called a Content Owner. This user's name will appear as the content creator, and shares will be shown on their social network accounts.
Content Writer: The user who creates and shares content on behalf of the owner is called a Content Writer. This user's participation in creating and sharing content on behalf of the owner is hidden from other users; their name does not appear on the posts or the shares.
- Only the Content Owner and Company Admins can see which writer created a post, when it was created, and when it was released, as seen in the screenshot below.
You can learn more about creating a content collaboration, creating a post on behalf, or creating a share on behalf in these articles: