Switching between roles

Company and Group Admins can temporarily switch their roles to User or Channel Manager. This enables them to view the platform from a user's perspective and is a good option if you want to see how a specific feature works for users or how something you created appears to them.

When your role is set to User, you can propose content, claim rewards, view your My Posts page, and access other features available to users. However, you will not have access to any of the features associated with your Admin role.

Switch role

  1. Open your user drop-down menu
  2. Under Switch role, select the role you want to switch to.

Your feed will update, allowing you to view your platform from a user's perspective.

If you are an Admin and also hold the Channel Manager role in any channel, you will not see the User role in the drop-down list. This is because the Channel Manager role is an elevated User role and replaces User in the list. Therefore, you can only switch between Admin and Channel Manager.

Switch back

Don't forget to switch back to your Admin role after you finish previewing the user view. Follow the steps again and select your admin role.

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