Using Intergroup Accessibility

By default, all groups, channels, and their content are visible to all the users on your platform. This means that users can find and see channels and content from other groups. With Intergroup Accessibility, you can modify the visibility so that groups and their channels can be hidden from all or some other groups on your platform.

Users cannot belong to channels that they don't have access to. You cannot add or invite users to join a channel if they don't have access to the group in which it exists. If any users subscribed before intergroup accessibility was enabled and now no longer have access to the group where the channel is, they will be automatically unsubscribed from the channel.

Intergroup Accessibility overrides Essential, Default, and Private channel settings. If a channel is marked as essential for a group but is in another group that the first group doesn't have access to, users will not be subscribed to those channels.

Role restrictions for intergroup accessibility

There are certain role restrictions for intergroup accessibility.

Group Admins

  • Limited in the same way as users within a group.
  • Cannot see other groups' content if their group is restricted from those groups.

Channel Managers

  • Limited in the same way as users within a group.
  • Cannot manage a channel within a group they cannot access.
  • Cannot see other groups' content if their group is restricted from those groups.

Company Admins

  • Unrestricted.
  • Can see all groups' channels, regardless of intergroup accessibility settings.

If a Company Admin is also a Channel Manager of another group's channel, their access is restricted according to the Channel Manager role. This means they cannot manage a channel in a group they don't have access to. 

Set up intergroup accessibility

To find these settings, go to Administration > Settings > select the group which settings you want to edit > Other Settings.

You have three options for your intergroup accessibility settings. Since you always edit the settings for a specific group, the changes will only affect the users in that group.

  • All other groups: Users will have access to all other groups and their channels. They can freely subscribe to Public channels across all groups and be invited to join Private channels across all groups.
  • No other groups: Users will only have access to their own group's channels. They cannot access any other groups' channels. They cannot subscribe to or be invited to join any channel outside their own group.
  • Selected groups: Users will have access to the selected groups and their channels. They cannot access any channels of non-selected groups. With this option, you can choose to exclude one group but allow others.

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