If all the seats in your Haiilo domain are occupied, any new users who are invited to join or who register for an account will be put in a Queue. As an admin, you can access the Queue under the Users tab in Haiilo. If you do not see the Queue option, it means that there are no users in the queue.
The Queue displays a list of people waiting for a seat to become available so they can create their Haiilo account. The order in the list is based on when the invite was sent or the self-registration was made. As an admin, you can prioritize the list by dragging and dropping user rows from the left sidebars. This way, you can decide who gets a seat first.
When someone joins the queue, they will receive a notification that they are in the queue. When a seat becomes available, the person at the top of the list will be prompted to create their Haiilo account. They will receive an email informing them that they can now create their account.