Subscribing to channels and content

The best way to discover relevant and engaging content is to subscribe to various channels on your platform. Subscribing is essential to accessing content. No subscribed channels = no content.

All channels are located on the left-hand side of the Haiilo feed in the Channels list.

Subscribe to channels

  1. In the Channels list, select Customize my feed
  2. You'll see a list of different channels available on your platform. Read the channel titles and descriptions to find channels that interest you. You can also search for particular channels via the search bar or filter to only see channels you are subscribed to or unsubscribed from.
  3. You can distinguish between channels you are subscribed to and channels you are not subscribed to from the button next to the channel names:
    • Button says Subscribe: You are currently not subscribed to this channel and do not see its content on your feed.
    • Button says Unsubscribe: You are subscribed to this channel and are seeing its content on your feed. Select to leave the channel.
      • If the Unsubscribe button is dimmed and you see a box pop-up when you hover over it, the channel is mandatory, and you cannot unsubscribe.

channel subscription options

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