Uploading your profile picture

Your profile picture on the platform comes from your connected social media accounts: LinkedIn, X, or Facebook, in that order. Haiilo will first check LinkedIn for your profile picture. If LinkedIn is not linked, it will look to X, and if that is also not connected, it will retrieve the picture from Facebook. If no social media accounts are linked, your Haiilo profile will not display a picture.

Manually upload a profile picture

Optionally, you can manually upload a profile picture to replace the picture fetched from your social media account.

  1. Open your user drop-down menu
  2. Select Profile
  3. Select Change in your profile picture
  4. Upload your image
  5. To confirm, select Save change

Your profile picture is saved!

Once a profile picture is either retrieved from your social media or uploaded to the platform, it cannot be deleted. You can only change the existing picture by manually uploading a new one.

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