When you encounter an interessting post on the platform that you would like to return to, you can easily bookmark it. This enables you to save content for easy access later from your list of bookmarked items.
Bookmark a post
- Find a post on the feed that you'd like to save for later.
- Select the icon.
When a post is bookmarked, the Bookmark will fill to let you know it is bookmarked.
Find bookmarked content
You can easily find your bookmarked content by navigating to the Bookmarks page from the navigation bar by selecting . There, you can see all the content you have bookmarked that is still available.
Posts that are archived will remain accessible on your Bookmarks page. However, if posts are deleted, they will also be removed from your Bookmarks page.
Remove a bookmark
You can remove a bookmark for a post by selecting the icon again. The post will be un-bookmarked and disappear from your Bookmarks page the next time you visit the page or refresh your browser window.