Bookmark content

If you see a particularly interesting post on Haiilo or a post that you know you want to come back to later, you can easily bookmark content. Bookmarking allows you to save content so you can easily find it later from your bookmarked page.

You can bookmark a post by clicking the Bookmark icon under the post you want to save.

rss feed imported post, user view

When your post has been bookmarked, the icon will change color to let you know it is bookmarked.

After having bookmarked content, you can easily find it again by navigating to the bookmark page in the menu bar. Here you can see all the content you have bookmarked that is still available. If posts are deleted from Haiilo, they will also disappear from your Bookmarked page. Archived posts will remain on your bookmarked page.

If you want to remove posts from your bookmarked page yourself, you can click the Bookmark icon again and it will be un-bookmarked and disappear from your bookmarked page the next time you visit the page or refresh Haiilo.  

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